Software craftsman. I write about Software Engineering (clean code, design, testing, ...) and also about Algorithms & Data Structures.
Most of us are familiar with the problems exhibited by the systems that contain design smells (understanding the term “smell” as defined in Martin...
Recently, I wrote a post about my talk at the 1st International Conference on Test-Driven Development (TDD). The post covers the part where I discuss...
Last July 10th, we could witness the first International Conference on Test-Driven Development (TDD). It was a historic event. The lineup included big...
There seems to be no agreement in the software engineering community about how many parameters are too many for a function. This should come to no...
Design patterns became popular during the 90s, when the “Gang of Four (GoF)” (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides) wrote the...
Most of us, software engineers, are familiar with (or, at least, have heard of) the well-known "Big O" notation (O-notation for short). The reasons...